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Danger Aware Happenings

Danger Aware Organization Logo, shadowy figure of unknown sex, age, intent.

Here we will Tell you about any Happenings with Danger Aware.

Danger Aware is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Charity for the prevention of abuse. We were established April 15, 2021 and recieved our IRS determination letter at the end of December 2021. The IRS set our fiscal year to March 30 and our first filing will not be until April 2023. Our EIN is 87-1398369. Our funding intake from outside sources for 2021 was less than $1000 as we did not recieve notice of our tax exempt status until December 23, 2021.

Danger Aware was established as a means to provide books about Abuse Awareness to children all over the country. Lorilla Fonda Lehman had written a book called Stranger In The House A Testimonial, and had been printing and giving them away for over a decade as well as a companion work book, Stranger Where? When her brother suggested that she write a new book, Stranger On The Internet as a means of providing both parents and children the information to recognize internet predators. That was November of 2020. That idea snowballed to not only provide books, but games, cartoons, videos, contests, prizes, and more to get children to want to visit and in the process of having fun and being entertained, they can learn personal rights and how to call out the steps of grooming as soon as they are evident.

Our purpose is not to expose anyone to the many forms of abuse, or to show the terrible things that can happen in life. We leave that to parents. We simply try to teach the young and vulnerable that if something confuses or harms them, they need to tell their parents. And when they feel they cannot speak to a parent, then they need to tell the police, or a teacher, or a fireman, or preacher, or all of them. Because it is only through exposure of the grooming that we can prevent the abuse.

Often, abuse is preceded by GROOMING. Grooming for abuse is the systematic increasing of intrusion into the physical, mental or emotional comfort of another person. By starting with small intrusions and increasing the intensity or frequency of those intrusions an abuser will PREPARE or GROOM their victim for additional intrusions. In the begining, these intrusions are mild and could never be considered as abuse in and of themselves, but with continued intensity, it becomes abuse. If we can teach the young and vulnerable how to recognize GROOMING and to CALL IT OUT when it occurs, we can Prevent the abuse.

Danger Aware has moved to our PERMANENT location. 2503 North Fresno Street. Fresno CA 93703

Danger Aware had its Soft Opening, Sunday, May 23 at 12:30pm, 7061 N. San Pablo Ave. Pinedale California. All are invited.

Flyer Anouncing the Soft Opeinging of Danger Aware Organization Danger Aware Organization is dedicated to ending abuse through eduction.  To that end we are beginning with children.  By providing books, games, and videos online for free, we hope to educate everyone in personal protection and rights. To that end we need funding, volunteers, experiences, artwork, music, translators, marketing and more.  Please won't you help to end all forms of abuse?  Any help would be appreciated.