Danger Aware

Danger Aware Organization Logo, shadowy figure of unknown sex, age, intent.
Here will be we will post blogs, after they are approved, of stories which must be child friendly.

Stories Section

Name: Yesenia Zepeda
Story: To Chasy, your feelings are valid and important. Thank you for being able to be so strong and open about your pain. If this person continues to bother you it would be a good idea to set a boundary or get some form of restraining order. Remember you are not at fault for the actions of others. You are not alone and doing your best at being a mom. If there is anything we can do to help please feel free to give us a call or email.

Name: Chasy
Story: At 12 I was raped by my boyfriend and the time and at 13 I had a miscarriage which I wasn’t ready to be a mom anyway, but I was upset and didn’t know what to do. My mom took me and I got put on medicine for anxiety and depression. I got raped by three other guys from the time I was 12-14. Then I met my ex we got together October 12th, 2019. We got engaged in December had our son in November of 2020. We got married February 2021. He left in March of 2021. I found out I was pregnant again right after. Well November of 2021 I had our second son. He called me fussing at me that he couldn’t be there. Well February 2022 he came over and we got into an argyemet and he grabbed my neck and my arm. Thankfully I had just given the girl he was with our oldest son. I had bruises around my neck and it tore something in my arm but he ran from the law and when he was arrested his family bonded him out and then texted me fussing at me saying I had no right to do that. I’m hurt emotionally because my son had to see that at only a year old.

Name: Danger Aware
Story: To Sad girl, I am sorry that you went through that. If the person is a part of the church, then you should tell your parents, the police, a teacher, or your best friend, or all of the above. At Danger Aware we are trying to demonstrate that if you call out the bad behavior, it may be stopped before it gets dangerous. If you only tell one person, and that person does not know how to help you, then you need to tell someone else. At school you can visit the nurse, and explain to them, and they will get the police involved, or you could tell your coach, or your Church School teacher, or if all else fails, you can tell a stranger. There will ALWAYS be people who want to help you, and it may take you telling many people about your abuse before you tell the right one, but, you need to tell someone, and you may feel that your parents are not there for you but tell them that you feel that way.

Name: Sad girl
Story: Hi my name is sad girl I am 12 years old and my story is I use to go to church and like every other wants to help well there was a guy that asked for help after church so I stood behind and he had me go in the back of the church and told me to take my clothes off and dance I was so scared and didn’t know what to do or who to tell my parents are drug addicts and don’t care so I ask myself is this right? Is this guy doing this to other? So I don’t go to church no more and it’s unfair

Name: none
Story: when I was about three tou see I became very sick and instead of taking me to a doctor to help with the terrible pain I was in my father prayed for me this did not help my sickness but I was conditioned to BELIEVE that I would receive delivery from the pain i was in ot was not just pain there was a lot of bleeding infections and at one point it got so bad I was put in the hospital but the damage had been done and there was no way to fix the problem. I suffered in pain for many years because every time I would tell my father I was in pain he would pray or call the bishop over to pray for me they would get more people to come and pray but none of it fixed the pain nightmares or what was to come later iwas taught to hide my pain because bringing attention to it only resulted in disapointment more pain and the feeling of rejection when I started being molested I KNEW that there was no point to tell my father he would simply pray about it and do nothoing my father was a terrible man and he molested my siblings, and they in turn molested me i was conditioned to not only suffering with pain rejection and abuse but to keep quiet about it because there was no point in telling anyone when I grew up and eventaully had my own children i made sure that the cycle would not continue and if I were to give you my name and subject my children to your questions they would tell you that the cycle ended with me please do not teach your children to keep quiet.

Name: anonymous
Story: I was maybe five the first time I was forced to strip naked and put in a closet with a naked girl, just to see what we would do. This was the not the beginning of the abuse, which is why as a child it never entered my mind to tell someone it was happening, because I had already learned that keeping quiet was the PROPER thing to do.

Name: Donna Martin
Story: When I was much younger than I am now, I used to work in a casino. I would have to leave my two children, (one boy and one girl) with my then husband. I never really trusted him alone with my children, because he was so mean to me I didn`t even think what he might do to the children. He used to pinch them on the neck like Spok would do on "Star Trek", but he would pinch really hard. It would make them cry. There was nothing I could do, or I would get it worse than the kids. I was so trapped and didn`t know where to go or what to do. All I wanted to do was to protect the kids the best that I could. Many years went by until I was able to save us all. We were able to move, with help from my mom and dad. If it wasn`t for them both I could have lost my children. I fell into a bad situation, but that is another story. Save your family, you only have one.