Download the form, fill in the fields, save it to your computer, then email it to
Danger Aware is seeking an individual with experience in animation production to join our team and direct the production and management of our Animation Department. We are using Moho 13.5 software to create our characters and animations. We are not well equiped to pay for a professional, but if you are a budding animator, and have a desire to build an animation department for a charity that is growing, in the Fresno, California area and are interested in Directing our animation department, then contact us.
Danger Aware is a new nonprofit for the prevention of abuse, and as such we are seeking individuals that are interested in forwarding our cause to consider taking up a position on our Board of Directors. We are very interested in people with educational, emotional and social training to help guide us towards greatness. If you would like to be considered for a role on our board, fill out the application and send it to We will be considering applications during our next Board Meeting, which will be in January, and voting on candidates will occur during our April Board meeting, which will be our 1st Quarter meeting for 2023.
Danger Aware is seeking talented people who want to produce material to help change the paradigm of abuse awareness. We need writers of articles for newsletters, writers of comic strip scripts, writers of game scenarios, etc. If you are a writer and want to help us change the world, contact us and help!
At Danger Aware we are producing games, comics, cartoons and more to help educate the young and vulnerable in the processes used by abusers to prepare their victims for more abuse. The newest applications for animation, gaming and programming are all very powerful and useful for creating new games and applications. Danger Aware needs anyone willing to donate their time and skills to helping others, by assisting us to develop, deisgn, program and produce FREE GAMES for the world. If you would like to develop your skills in animation and programming, we can use your help, as you learn.