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Check out this wonderful article, Nurturining Healthy Decisions...: submitted by Parenting With Kris

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2503 N. Fresno Street, Fresno California.
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Many sites about abuse can provide you the statistics about reported abuse to the young and vulnerable. But until Danger Aware none of those sites have dedicated their mission to working directly with the young and the vulnerable in advance. To provide, through play and entertainment, the skills, knowledge, recognition, and ability to call out the precursors to abuse. We are catering to the ones who actually suffer physical, mental and other forms of abuse on a daily basis. You can help educate them against the dangers in life by donating to the development of better and more entertaining games and cartoons through which we will teach about the methods used to call out the abuse and the grooming for abuse that occurs daily across the world.
Looking for a specific project to support at Danger Aware?
Take a look at the following projects we are trying to fund.
Adopt a Character Project Proposal
Or, you can help through GoFundMe
We can only do what we do with your help.
What is grooming for abuse?
It is the systematic increase in intrusion in the comfort of someone else, for the purpose of abusing that person.
We are teaching the young and vulnerable how to recognize this type of grooming, and to call it out, so that it cannot progress to abuse.
We are providing FREE books, comics games, videos contests and posters to anyone who wishes to use them or participate.
We have our first book ready to read online, and we will send a free book to anyone who requests one.
We have our Comics Pages started.
And we have submittedpoetry.
We have four games online, and multiple contests. We are developing cartoons and stories to engage and entertain. Join us in our fight against abuse.
Just Speak Up!
Hello. I did check through the final video and rewatched the subsequent ones you made on the super aware kid and I must say it's great work you're putting in,to be honest.
And I had some ideas while I was watching the videos and I thought I could share some things with you. I hope you don't mind.
The super aware kid is a great Character Danger Aware created.
I would share my own personal story on how I see the Super Aware Kid as a relevant character.
While I was growing up, I was bullied a lot in school, I went to a boarding school which was quite far from home, so ideally I had to face my problem. I developed anxiety at a very tender age because i was frequently oppressed ,so I became constantly afraid of being oppressed again.
My bullies on the other hand would threaten me against telling my guardian or parent or they would come for me.
Over time, I became cold and secretive, I couldn't say much to people. I had to hide my pain and tourment until it became so unbearable , then i summoned the courage to tell my mother on how I was being bullied, and she acted at once.
She came to my school the next day,she called out my bullies,scolded them and they were reported to the rector, who had them punished and of course, I was blamed for not speaking up all the while....
and that was it.. that was the end of my torment.
No more bullies, just then I realised that, all I had to do was 'SPEAK UP", just that little action of speaking up, liberated my situation and that's the power of being super aware.
Bestman_N - Contract Artist for Danger Aware
I work at a school/university, how can we get involved?
Schools and universities of all types participate in Giving Tuesday by rallying their alumni to give, completing service projects, or sharing what they’re learning in their college marketing classes with nonprofits who are getting ready for Giving Tuesday.
Check out our Latest Newsletter.
For more information or inquiries please contact us at info@dangeraware.org , via phone at (619)488-4357 or visit our main office located at 2503 N. Fresno St. Fresno, CA 93703
All sign up for our newsletter or contests through email is opt-in only, you will never be solicited through our newsletter/contests signup. All information is stored offsite automatically, and no employee or volunteer can access the email list. Every newsletter includes an UNSUBSCRIBE link at the bottom of the page, which will allow you to remove your email from our mailing list any time you wish. We do not sell or give away your email address under any situation. We are about anti-abuse, and we consider unwanted messaging a form of abuse. Thank you.